Exercises that define and sculpt your chest help you look your best at the beach or the gym. They can also help you do a variety of daily tasks, like lifting or pushing objects. On top of all that, while you improve your look and strength, you lift your mood, too.

Working out the chest means working out the pectoral muscles, better known as the “pecs.” While the pecs are the largest muscles in the chest, several smaller muscles support the pectoral muscles, including the latissimus dorsi muscles (or “lats”) on the sides of the chest trapezius muscle around the shoulders.


Chest Muscles

NOTE: If you are a beginner, You must ensure that you do it safely and perfectly from whatever exercise you perform. Consider starting with lighter weights to reduce the risk of injuries. You should be able to pick up the weight without having too much strain on your shoulders. Remember you can always go up in weight if the exercise and movement seem too easy for you.

The 5 Best exercises To build a huge and thick chest are:

                                   1.Barbell Bench Press 

Barbell Bench Press

  • Position yourself on the bench with a flat back and your feet firmly on the ground. The barbell should be directly over your eyes and your head, shoulder, buttocks should be on the bench.

  • Grab the barbell with your palms forward and the thumbs wrapped around the bar. Lift the bar to the starting position with the help of a spotter if needed.

  • Position the bar with your middle or upper chest, keeping your elbows and wrist straight.

  • Inhale and lower the bar slowly until it touches your chest. As you lower, flare your elbows slightly out.

  • Exhale and press the bar up keeping your wrist and back straight.

                                     2.Pec Deck Fly

Pec Deck Fly

  • Keep your feet flat on the floor at least shoulder-width apart.

  • With your back firmly on the seat and lift your arms until they reach shoulder level. The angle of your elbows should be between 75 to 90 degrees. Place your elbows on the center of the pad on the wings of the machine.

  • With Smooth and slow movement, push the wings together until they come close, stopping just before they touch.

  • Reverse to the starting position slowly.

NOTE: Don’t perform this exercise if you have a shoulder injury.

                                   3. Incline Dumbbell Flyes

Incline Dumbell Flyes

  • Take a dumbbell in each hand, lie on the bench, and place your feet firmly on the floor.

  • Press your shoulders, back, head, and buttocks to the bench. Position the dumbbells near your chest and armpits with your palms facing inward. Keep your wrist straight.

  • Exhale and press the dumbbells straight up above your chest. Your arms should be shoulder-width apart. Keep your elbows straight but not locked.

  • Inhale and lower the dumbbells slowly with a wide arc until they are level with your chest, keeping the dumbbells parallel.

  • Fly the dumbbells towards the ceiling with the same gentle arc.


                                    4. Dips ( Hanging)

Chest Dips

  • Grasp the parallel dip bar firmly and lift your body.

  • Keep your elbows straight and head in line up with the trunk, and your wrist in line with your forearms.

  • Bring one leg across to stabilize your lower part of the body.

  • Exhale and bend your elbows to lower your body. Keep your elbows near your sides. Your leg should be straight under your body to avoid swinging.

  • Lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle and your upper arms are parallel with the floor.

  • Pause, and then straighten your elbows, pushing into the bars with your hands and return to the starting position.

  • Keep your body vertical and your wrist straight.

                                  5. Pushups


  • Tighten your abdominals, keep your back flat, your neck in alignment with your spine, and keep your elbows close to your sides.

  • With your hands directly under your shoulder, lower yourself slowly and in control.

  • Press up without changing the elbow position and in a controlled manner.

  • Get the most from your pushups by paying close attention to your form.


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